Forward Impact: Code of Conduct for a Positive Work Environment

Last Updated: 14th April 2024

This Code of Conduct ("the Code") sets forth the standards of behavior and professional conduct expected at Forward Impact. The Code is designed to:
> Ensure equitable and respectful treatment of all participants.
> Define a standard of acceptable behavior within the organization.
> Reinforce the organization's identity.
> Identify and prohibit unacceptable behaviors.
> Provide guidance on resolving issues.

1. Scope
This Code applies to all members of the Forward Impact community, including employees, contractors, interns, invited experts, and participants in Forward Impact meetings, teleconferences, mailing lists, conferences, and functions. This Code is intended to complement existing legal rights and obligations.

2. Commitment
Forward Impact is committed to fostering a positive work environment characterized by respect, appreciation, and adherence to high standards of personal conduct. We celebrate diversity in language, nationality, experience, and location. While misunderstandings may occur in our diverse setting, most can be resolved informally.

3. Statement of Intent
Forward Impact pledges to maintain a positive work environment for everyone, with a particular emphasis on supporting historically marginalized communities. All participants are expected to uphold the principles outlined in this Code and share responsibility for fostering a conducive work environment.

4. Expected Behavior
Participants are expected to:
> Treat each other with respect, professionalism, fairness, and sensitivity, even under pressure.
> Embrace and accommodate cultural and personal differences.
> Show empathy and tact when discussing sensitive topics.
> Demonstrate honesty, sincerity, and transparency in interactions.
> Promote inclusivity by encouraging diverse perspectives and voices.
> Respect personal boundaries and avoid unwelcome physical contact.
> Eliminate biases, prejudices, and discriminatory practices.
> Prioritize others' needs and preferences.
> Protect confidentiality and privacy.
> Assist in overcoming language barriers to ensure effective communication.

5. Unacceptable Behavior
The following behaviors are strictly prohibited:
> Discrimination, intimidation, harassment, and bullying based on any personal characteristic.
> Making offensive comments related to personal attributes.
> Offering unwelcome comments about lifestyle choices.
> Sharing inappropriate sexual content or engaging in unwelcome sexual behavior.
> Initiating physical contact without obtaining consent.
> Making threats, spreading misinformation, or inciting violence.
> Launching personal attacks or stalking others.
> Violating confidentiality agreements or exposing others' private information.
> Engaging in disruptive behavior or employing bad faith discourse tactics.

6. Safety vs. Comfort
This Code prioritizes the safety and well-being of individuals, especially those from marginalized communities, over the comfort of others. Challenging oppressive behaviors or assumptions is encouraged, even if they may make some participants uncomfortable. Claims of "reverse"-isms, such as "reverse racism" or "reverse sexism," are not considered valid.

7. Reporting Violations
In cases of immediate safety concerns, individuals should contact local emergency services. For issues related to this Code, individuals are encouraged to report to relevant management or team contacts. Alternatively, issues can be raised directly with the Director or senior management. All complaints will be treated seriously, investigated thoroughly, and addressed promptly. This Code aims to provide a framework for maintaining a respectful and professional work environment at Forward Impact. Adherence to these guidelines ensures that the organization remains a place of inclusivity, respect, and collaboration for all participants. If you have any questions, concerns, or requests regarding this Privacy Policy or our privacy practices, please contact us at